Isrod Review- League Of Villains
Attack: 758
Defense: 768
HP: 1423
Villain Family
Bonus for 2 / 3 Heroes:
- 5% / 15% chance to heal for 10% / 30% of dealt damage when attacking an enemy
Element: Fire/Red

Special Skill: Vengeful Strike
Mana Speed: Average (10 tiles)
- Deals 225% damage to the target and nearby enemies.
- The caster and nearby allies Counterattack with 80% of received damage for 3 turns.
- The caster and nearby allies regenerate a small amount of mana for each Counterattack. The effect gets diminished for consecutive counterattacks during the same turn.
Isrod Hero Review:
Personally not a big fan of Counterattack and Counterattack related effects.
It is annoying to deal with, but it’s not something major.
Isrod Offensive raid Review
In a raid, counterattack is really unreliable – Random targeting by AI prevents you from dealing damage reliably using counter attack, and therefore gaining the secondary mana generation effects.
Read more about setting up your teams for offensive raids here.
Isrod in Defense Team Review
Can be synergized with a healer Tank / Flank.
Incoming tile damage is a reliable source of incoming damage (assuming attacking team does not dispel), and therefore mana generation, allowing for charging heals/taunts/buffs from the tank/flank.
Read more about setting up your teams for raid defense here.
Isrod Vs Titan Review
Counterattack does provide some damage to against titan, but you have to keep your hero alive for the whole 1.5minutes to deal significant damage to the titan.
Isrod in Alliance War Review
- Rush attack – 7
- Arrow Attack – 6
- Attack Boost -6
- Field Aid – 6
- War Equalizer – 4
- Undead Horde – 5
Isrod in Tournaments Review
- Rush Attack – 7
- Buff Booster – 7
- Bloody Battle – 8
Isrod Hero Grade/Rating
Titan – 4
Offence – 2
Defence Tank – 7
Defence Flank – 7
Defence Wing – 1
Defense Overall – 5
Tournaments Rush Attack – 6
Tournaments Buff Booster – 7
Tournaments Bloody Attack – 8
War – Attack Boost : 7
War – Field Aid :6
War – Arrow Attack :6
War – Undead horde (minion) : 5
War – Equalizer : 4
Overall B-
You’re on crack. Riposte is incredible against AoE heroes.
It is, but your heroes still take damage. If it was pure reflect like Ursena or Mitsuko, it would be a lot better…