Uraeus Review- HotM January 2021
Attack: 778
Defense: 727
HP: 1324
Class: Sorcerer
Element: Holy/Yellow
Resist Sand Damage – This hero has innate resistance against Sand damage
Passive triggered:
Health from Dead Minion – This hero gains 50 health when a minion owned by them is destroyed.

Special Skill: Strike of the Cobra
- Deals 485% damage to the target.
- Damage bypasses target’s minions.
- All enemies who own a Minion receive 426 damage over 3 turns
- Element link summons a holy minion for all holy allies with 5%hp and 10% attack inherited from the caster.
Uraeus Hero Review:
Uraeus is the first hero with a special skill that can bypass minions (as opposed to destroying or stealing them)
I am highly sceptical that such an effect will make a meaningful impact on it’s own. If working concurrently with other effects that by pass/destroy minions, then there is potential.
Combined overall, Uraeus really just helps to keep the minions numbers in check. (426 damage is about the health of 1 minion). Each activation of Uraeus special is therefore roughly equivalent of removing one minion from each enemy hero and dealing some damage to a single target.
Uraeus Offensive raid Review
Freya and Bera are both relatively popular minion generators that see play now. Can Uraeus keep up with them?
Uraeus will indeed be able to impact them quite significantly, as he can potentially take out Freya or Bera much more effectively than other sniper style heroes, will keeping their minions in check.
Overall, I think Uraeus is going to be another extremely situational hero, whereby the use case is determined if the secondary effect of his special can get to see any action.
Otherwise, Uraeus is just a slower Joon.
Read more about setting up your teams for offensive raids here.
Uraeus in Defense Team Review
I think Uraeus is too situational to have a place in the defensive team, and there are many other “easier to get” heroes that can fulfil a better role than Uraeus.
Read more about setting up your teams for raid defense here.
Uraeus Vs Titan Review
Decent tile damage, but stops there.
Uraeus in Alliance War Review
- Rush attack – 7
- Arrow Attack – 5
- Attack Boost – 5
- Field Aid – 4
- War Equalizer – 5
- Undead Horde – 9
Uraeus in Tournaments Review
- Rush Attack – 7
- Buff Booster – 4
- Bloody Battle – 6
Uraeus Hero Grade/Rating
Titan – 5
Offence – 5
Defence Tank – 3
Defence Flank – 5
Defence Wing – 5
Defense Overall – 4.33
Tournaments Rush Attack – 7
Tournaments Buff Booster – 4
Tournaments Bloody Attack – 6
War – Attack Boost : 5
War – Field Aid : 4
War – Arrow Attack : 5
War – Undead horde (minion) : 7
War – Equalizer : 5
Overall 5
Uraeus affects all enemies with a minion, not just the target. Also his dot is affected by troops so the damage will actually be greater than the 426. I think he will be quite effective, especially in this current meta.
I do agree that he will be quite useful in this current meta – that is the reason why he has a relatively higher rating for Offense and war, as compared to the defence grades.